Stand For Ag | Season 1 Episode 1: Meet the man behind the mic!
It’s time! Yes, it’s finally time to tune-in to Stand for Ag with Missouri Farmers Care! If you’re anything like me, you’re asking yourself who is talking! I’m Paxton, a sixth-generation agriculturalist from Nevada, Missouri. Our rural community is located at the intersection of Highway 54 and Interstate 49, and this area is where my story began. My family has lived here, active in agriculture, for nearly a century. I’ve grown up listening to stories in my grandparents’ farmhouse, which happens to be the same home my great-great-grandfather built and it sits on the same piece of ground that he farmed with a horse and plow. Our family roots run deep, and I’m excited to bring my passion to you! I’m a junior at the University of Missouri, studying Agricultural Education and Leadership. In my spare time you can find me ringside at a pig show, spending time with my family, or sitting at a Mexican restaurant with my friends! Thanks for joining our conversation!
On this podcast, we’ll bring unique perspectives to the forefront of our minds about all things agriculture. Join us for new stories each week where we meet with industry leaders that are truly changing the way we look at agriculture. We’ll look at stories that focus on the intersections of farmer, rancher and consumer interests! Welcome to Stand for Ag!