Kylie Scrivner: #POWERING Genetics for Animal Agriculture
In newly #Agri-Ready Designated Douglas County near Goodhope, Kylie Scrivner’s FFA Supervised Agriculture Experience project is her work on the family dairy farm. The farm is an example of the 98 percent of farms in Douglas County that are owned and operated by families. Kylie is a senior at Ava High School and is serving as the FFA Chapter president and plans to attend Missouri State University where she will study animal science in a way that will POWER Genetics for the future of animal agriculture.
Career Goals in Animal Agriculture
Kylie has taken advantage of her high school FFA career to experience unique learning opportunities. She has participated in contests and career development events, developed her Dairy Cattle Placement Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) project to compete at the state level, attended agriculture industry tours hosted by the local FFA Booster Club, and more. During last summer’s Ag Industry Tour, Kylie was able to visit Hawkeye Genetics in Iowa which helped her to realize the agriculture career path she plans to follow.
“We show dairy cows as a family. Over the years, I have watched the genetics of dairy cows change so that cows are being bred to exhibit characteristics sought in the show ring, instead of production characteristics. I would like to work with genetics and embryos to help develop animals that are a good representation of their species and breed. My goal is to help alter genetics back onto a path where animals are being bred for productivity on the farm. I look forward to a career that allows me to be connected to animals and help make the agriculture industry better,” Kylie said.
Missouri State University Bound
Kylie will attend Missouri State University this fall to study animal science with an emphasis in embryology and minor in agriculture business. She would love to work at Show-Me Genetics in Strafford, MO to prepare for her future career.
Kylie is finishing a second term as the Ava FFA president while also serving as the Area 12 Secretary. Kylie helps to plan, organize, and promote FFA chapter events. She has enjoyed watching their events grow and get better each year. Kylie realized that the same kids were present and helping at each FFA event so this year, she made it her personal goal to meet each freshman member and encourage them to take advantage of all the opportunities FFA can provide. Kylie participated in the Employment Skills Leadership Development Event this year and she will be receiving her State FFA Degree next week.
A Day on the Farm with Kylie
A typical day for Kylie starts with setting out hay for the cows before she goes to school. The Scrivner Family milks a small herd of Holstein and Jersey cows twice each day. Most of the Jersey cows belong to Kylie and she is continuing to grow her own dairy herd. After school, she brings the dairy herd into the milk barn to start the evening milking. She feeds hay again and manages new calves that are born on the farm to make sure they are off to a healthy start. Together with her four siblings, Kylie also cares for pigs, chickens, and sheep.
Kylie is the daughter of Tommy and Andrea Scrivner. The Scrivner family are members of the Missouri Holstein Association, Holstein Association USA, and the Missouri Farm Bureau, a partner of Missouri Farmers Care.