Fueling Food Security — Perry County 4-H
4-H Teen Council members from #AgriReady Perry County experienced their hard work making twice the impact when they partnered with Missouri Farmers Care Foundation during 4-H’s annual food drive, #4HFeedingMO, as a part of the #DriveToFeedKids. This group of hard-working youth spent a day volunteering at the Southeast Missouri Food Bank last February. They packed 700 boxes of food for distribution to senior citizens in need across their region. The group volunteered their time as an in-kind donation to obtain a $250 Drive to Feed Kids matching grant provided by the Missouri Farmers Care Foundation.
Missouri Farmers Care Foundation annually funds $250 mini-grants to approximately 16 4-H clubs to be utilized during 4-H’s annual food drive that runs January-April. The mini-grants provide 4-H clubs with a service-learning opportunity to address food insecurity needs in their communities. Clubs that apply must match the award with dollars or in-kind service like the example set by the Perry County 4-H leaders. Proposals are reviewed and funded based on merit. After earning and obtaining their match, the Perry County group donated the $250 grant amount to a local church food pantry in Perryville.
“Missouri 4-H’ers have thought of innovative and creative ways to utilize the mini grants provided by Missouri Farmers Care,” stated Sherry Grace, marketing coordinator of Missouri 4-H. “The funds allow for more effective and engaging opportunities for the youth to help their communities. In the past, groups have used these funds to build little free food pantries, have fundraisers, supply community food pantries and more. We are thankful for our partners who support the 4-H Feeding Missouri initiative and offer our 4-H’ers impactful opportunities.”
Applications for 4-H mini-grants will be accepted until January 15, 2023, and grantees will be notified by February 1. The application can be accessed at https://wordpress-1353593-4977086.cloudwaysapps.com/driveminigrant/. The service project must take place from January 1- April 30, and a short follow up impact report should be submitted by May 15.