Celebrating Progress: Phelps County Receives Agri-Ready Designation

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Caption: Phelps County Commissioners Joey Auxier, Sherry Stites, and Gary Hicks, were joined by Rep. Bennie Cook (R-Houston), Rep. Tara Peters (R-Rolla), local FFA leaders, Missouri Farmers Care Outreach Specialist Karson Calvin, and a host of local leaders on the Phelps County Courthouse steps celebrating their Agri-Ready County Designation.

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Following a unanimous vote of the Phelps County Commission, the county has been granted Agri-Ready County Designation by Missouri Farmers Care (MFC), a coalition of more than 40 leading agricultural groups and businesses. Through this action, the Phelps County Commission has acted to officially support agricultural development, economic growth, and agricultural literacy programs. Through the Agri-Ready County Designation program, MFC identifies and promotes counties in Missouri that create an environment supportive to agriculture, Missouri’s largest industry. Phelps County became the 72nd county to be granted Agri-Ready County Designation on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at a meeting of the county commission and community leaders.

“We are very excited for the partnership with Missouri Farmers Care and looking forward to growth of agriculture in our county,” said Sherry Stites, District 1 Commissioner. Gary Hicks, District 2 Commissioner, added, “Educational opportunities by Missouri Farmers Care are impressive and we are excited to help close the farm to fork gap.”

Through the Agri-Ready County Designation program, MFC partners with county leaders to advance local agricultural enterprise, promote the county as a prime location for business expansion and enhance workforce readiness for agricultural careers. In addition, MFC partners with local FFA leaders to implement Agriculture Education on the Move™ in third-grade classrooms. Through the partnership, student leaders will present ten hours of education on agricultural careers, crop science, livestock production and more through engaging, hands-on activities and lessons while developing their speaking and leadership skills.

“As a first-generation farmer in Phelps and Pulaski counties, I know this designation reflects the hard work and dedication of farm families and their significant contributions to Missouri’s economy,” said Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe. “I look forward to the work Missouri Farmers Care and their partners will continue to do supporting our state’s rural communities and strengthening Missouri’s agricultural future.”

According to the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) 2021 Economic Contribution Study of Missouri Agriculture and Forestry, the agriculture industry in Phelps County generated $333.8 million in economic output. This activity was led by production in animal and pet food production, meat processing, and food processing, among other value-added agricultural products. Over 2,000 agriculturally based jobs generate $131 million in household income benefiting local families. 

“As an agri-tourism owner and state representative for Phelps County, what a great day for agriculture,” said Rep. Tara Peters (R-Rolla). “We are proud of agriculture and look forward to seeing it grow in our county.”

Rep. Bennie Cook (R-Houston) added, “We know this county is agriculture friendly, this designation with help highlight the agricultural strengths in Phelps County. I am committed to working with local leaders to support and develop our agricultural economy.”

With their designation Phelps County became the 72nd Agri-Ready Designated County. Phelps County joins: Andrew, Atchison, Audrain, Barry, Benton, Buchanan, Bollinger, Butler, Caldwell, Camden, Cape Girardeau, Carroll, Chariton, Clark, Cole, Cooper, Crawford, Dallas, Dent, Douglas, Dunklin, Franklin, Gasconade, Gentry, Henry, Holt, Howell, Johnson, Laclede, Lafayette, Lawrence, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Maries, Marion, McDonald, Mercer, Miller, Mississippi, Moniteau, Montgomery, Morgan, New Madrid, Newton, Nodaway, Oregon, Osage, Pemiscot, Perry, Pettis, Pike, Polk, Randolph, Reynolds, Saline, Scotland, Scott, St. Clair, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Shannon, Stoddard, Sullivan, Texas, Vernon, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Webster and Wright counties.

Counties wishing to apply for Agri-Ready County Designation must meet program requirements, including no ordinances regulating agriculture in conflict with state law and support of agricultural stewardship, growth, and opportunities. After the application is received from the county commission, the Missouri Farmers Care affirms compliance with the program guidelines prior to awarding and announcing designation.